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Tuesday 2 November 2010

Historical Trekking by Boat. Lessons Learned!

I have been making some improvements to my boat. Many years ago there was another boat just like this one only slightly smaller. It was equiped with a sail and a detachable mast which was carried in the boat. This craft when sail rigged flew like the wind, fastest I have ever been on the water.
However, on one such trek we were hit by a storm. We got the sail down but were still swamped and we had to get out and swim the boat to shore. This was in winter on the Great Lakes.
I almost lost my water bottle as it kept getting washed away.
On another trip my canoe tipped over in crock infested waters! I lost my new 74 calibre buffalo gun that day. I was lucky to make the river bank alive, and I was not about to go diving for my gun!
I have augered holes in the cargo hold stern board for threading rope through.

Also augered holes in the back of the new seat I added at the bow. The threaded rope will form a sort of net that will keep the cargo in the hold should the boat capsize.

I made a removable raised floor for the cargo hold to help keep things dry if water gets into the boat.

These rope holes will also be used to secure guns and anything else that might get lost in a capsize. The water canteen for instance is kept close at hand.

As you can see in this image, there was no forward seating, and I had to sit on Arthur's large bedroll.


  1. Sounds like very sensible modifications Keith. You've done it again, now I have a hankering for a boat! I would very much like to hear more tales of your voyage on the Great Lakes. Sounded like an amazing modern day adventure in an 18th century way...

  2. I don't have many photos Dave, but I will see what I can do.

  3. Hi Keith,
    Just like to echo Mr. Reid's comments, the mods look to be a sensible addition, it's always good sense to learn from past mishaps. As for a post upon your previous adventures upon the great lakes I to would enjoy reading that (as well as posts upon new adventures in the boat).

  4. Thanks John, will do.

  5. Nice boat Keith. I suppose there is nothing quite like the experience of unwittingly swimming with a few crocs to make you think very seriously about improvements to avoid the experience again!

    Is the planking plywood? I like the shape of it.


  6. Yes Joel it is Plywood. The original one was not, but we soon found that a traditionally built boat just did not work for us, in and out of the water all the time, and having to carry it. It was smaller but much heavier, and once dried out it leaked. On our first trip I was busy bailing(!), and that night we loaded the boat with rocks and sank it.
    Once good and soaked she worked well and we had no more trouble, but it simply did not suit our needs.

  7. Hi Loup!

    THUNDERATION!! I bet it looked like you were walking on water and it was no miracle! WOOF! Don't do that anymore.

    The modifications look good and ought to do the trick. You might want to install a pair of canvas "grab loops" at the bow and stern. They serve a couple of purposes. First, if you have to portage, they provide a good handhold. Second, if anyone goes overboard, they can "grab the loop" and pull themselves back in.

    I'd like to hear more about your adventures afloat. Just remember: Port=Left; Starboard=Right.

  8. Martin, your concern is much appreciated believe me. I doubt I will brave any crocks again. Though not long after this venture I had to cross the same river in a puntured enflatable boat!
    When we landed on the other side, some bamboo puntured the boat. If I did not get back in quick and recross to fix the punture, we would be stuck there, or have to swim, and swimming in that river was suicide. Anyway I got the punture fixed and recrossed for some wild boar hunting.
    I will think on the straps. 15 years ago I used to carry this boat on my back on my own, but it is not so easy these days!
    Thank you Martin.
