Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday 16 October 2010

What Would You Like To See?

If there is anything that you would like information on or any videos you would like to see that you think may fall within my range of knowledge or skills, please let me know.
Regards to all.


  1. I have always been interested in early survival skills Keith such as trapping and snaring. Such a large part of a woodlands pioneers life was spent acquiring pelts of small animals for food, clothing and as a source of income that they must have been very proficient at their endeavors...

  2. Hi Keith. Although I follow your blog, I'm not a reenactor. I may be getting a little long in the tooth, but I think I would still fit anyone's definition of a woods runner. Don't think anyone can ever know to much bushcraft, although we used to call it woods lore.

  3. Hi Keith,
    Curious to know if you use 18th century fishing gear/tactics and what they would consist of? - well you did ask.

  4. Well you are right John, I did ask!
    Thanks for the feedback Dave, Bob & John, I will see what I can put together.

  5. Hi Loup!

    Since I have my sights set on getting a Fusil de Chasse, from the boys at Middlesex Village Trading Co. in the near future, I really enjoyed the cartridge making video. Thanks.

    I was wondering though, when you go out trekking, do you have a particular "scenario" in mind? Say...a Scout or Patrol from a fort looking to "cut sign" of the passage of an Indian war party; or a solitary hunter looking to "make meat" and avoid any Indians in the area. Each one would require a different mindset and equipment. If so, what scenarios have you participated in, and which have you enjoyed most?

    Martin "What Bear" Meltzer

  6. Hi Martin, good question, thank you.
    I think setting a particular scenario is important if you really want to get a feel for the period you are interpreting. Mostly my scenario is that of a scout/Ranger ranging the surrounding area of a settlement looking for sign of any enemy. This keeps you on your toes, and you have to pay more attention than usual, though I am pretty observant when in the woods anyway. Imagine the embarrasment of walking onto a trespasser you did not know was there?!!!
    Some scenarios may call for a cold camp, this is important, because it will mean no hot drinks or food. So you must plan accordingly.
    I think the usual scenario of scouting for enemy is probably the most fun. It may mean a cold camp, it may not, but one needs to be carefull, such as waiting until after dark to see if there are any fires in the area. If not you may think it worth the risk to make fire, but do your best to conceal it.
    Yes, very worthwhile setting a scenario Martin.
