Quotes on the editor of this blog

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Historical Trekking Scenarios. Are They Important?

I am prompted to make this post because of an interesting question posed by Martin. I had not intended to make this video public, at least not just yet, but I can't think of a better way to show what I mean about enacting a scenario.
Setting a scenario for a trek is a bit like acting in a movie. You have to take the script seriously and act the part. Imagine if I was out scouting for enemy sign, and I walked into a tresspasser, how silly and embarrasing would that be?! Acting out a scenario gives you a real feel for the part, and depending on the scenario, it can affect how you travel and how you camp at night. Do you have to have a cold camp because the script calls for no fires? That means no hot drinks or hot food. Or you may consider it worth the risk of making fire if you are really cold, but take steps to conceal that fire.

I have rather jumped the gun here with this short scene, because I have not even read the script yet! There will be other actors involved, and I am hoping this will fit in with what my youngest son has in mind, but if not, nothing lost. I enjoyed making it anyway.

The story is as follows: It is 1742 on the frontier of the New World. A settler woman has been taken by woodland Indians whilst working in her garden. The local militia dare not follow immediately, because if they are discovered, it will mean certain death for the woman captive. Only one old man volunteers to try and save the woman, he is known by the settlers and the Indians as Le Loup, the wolf.
This then is a scene from our group promotional movie, "Taken". This one's for you Martin, and thank you.


  1. Hello Loup,

    Very nice! Compliments to the sound and camera guy(s). It was good to see how the equipment you carry "rode", and more importantly, you looked right at home in the environment.

    I could see how, with the proper safety precautions in place of course, how an "opposing force" would add to the scenario(s). Following a trail, possible ambushes, escapes, and pursuits would all become possible. Hummm...I'll have to think on it some more.

    By the way, inspired by your posting on "The Border Reivers", I latched on to a copy of George Frasier's "The Steel Bonnets". I was amazed that in that time of raid and counter-raid, it seemed like everyone and their Uncle knew who and when someone was going get raided, and by who and how many! WOW!

    Keep the good stuff coming.

    All the best,


  2. Thanks Martin. More to come on the short movie, but that scene may get deleated, because a different camera is going to be used. Still I had fun doing it.
    Thanks for "The Steel Bonnets" info, interesting.
