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Saturday 11 September 2010

Making Camp.

Some people have been asking me for ages to make skills videos, and in particular one on setting up a camp using an oil cloth as shelter. Well I finally got round to producing one. We have had rain for three days in a row here, and it is very wet. But today was sunny so I decided to set up the camp and make the video and get some still shots as well.

I did make one mistake though. I have made several fire lighting videos of late, and I forgot to replenish my tinderbox with more tinder, and I forgot to replace the dried grass kindling I have used! The consequence of that was that when I went to make fire for this “Making Camp” video, I found I was short of both!

Luckily I had found a disused bird’s nest lying on the ground, but it was a little damp. Anyway, at the last minute I decided to tip all the tinder I had in my tinderbox into the birds nest and make fire that way. It did work of course as I knew it would, but now I must remember to prepare some more tinder and find some more dry grass!

Please note the laying of the fire. There is nothing fancy here, no boy scout stick tipi. I put large piece/s of wood at one end to lay the kindling against, this stops the fire being crushed and smothered. I also lay sticks on the floor of the fireplace. You will note that the fire takes straight away and there is no problem with it going out. The large piece/s of wood at one end allow air to get at the fire.


  1. Hi Loup,

    Thanks for making the video! If a picture is worth a thousand words, your videos are a couple volumes easy!

    I particularly liked the way the central pole of the lean-to served the double purpose of tightening the oilcloth AND suspending the pail over the fire. Brilliant! (And here I was about to purchase one of those wrought iron tripod set-ups!)

    I was wondering though, how do you secure your firearms at night? Obviously, you want them out of the weather, but you also want them handy in case some curious, not-so-timid, forest critter comes in the night.



  2. Thanks Martin, your comments have made my day, glad you liked it.
    My fusil, shot pouch and powder horn, tomahawk and knife lay on sticks, off the ground, close to hand beside me away from the fire.

  3. Hi Keith, as always easy to understand, straight forward presentation and a pleasure to watch.
    How much would your pack for an overnight stay weigh?
    Regards Al.

  4. Thanks Al. Not sure on the weight, hang about and I will go and check;)..................................20 lbs including kettle, bedroll, food and oilcloth and spare moccasins.

  5. Thanks mate. Watched it a couple of times, loved it because it just contains all the basics in a natural way (shelter, fire, tools, water).

    Only thing is, now I want an oilcloth tarp ;-)

    Grtz Johan

  6. Hi Johan, good to hear from you. Glad you liked it. Actually you can probably get a light close weave canvas that will not need coating in oil. I used one for ages with no problems, my youngest son is using the same canvas now. I only changed because a close friend gave me the present one as a gift.
