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Wednesday 18 August 2010

My Broadsword Project-Customising.

The Broadsword I purchased was not top of the range, so I expected to have to do some work on it. When it arrived it had cloth inside the basket hilt, as did originals, but often this cloth was removed. My cloth had wire running through it which was loop around and trapped under the brass pommel.

Also there was a gap between the blade and the hilt which required a good deal of filing to make it fit properly. If left as it was it could have weakened the sword.

I don't think I have big hands, but my index finger knuckle occasionally caught on the brass guard, also I was finding the sword heavy in the hand. So I removed part of the guard. Below are some images of before and after customising. I am pleased with the finished product.


  1. Hi Keith,
    Spectacular sword and great upgrade, I do believe that I'm a tad envious my good man.

  2. Glad you like it John, and who knows what the future holds for you.

  3. Hi J Bar. Yes marvelous what these little digital cameras can do these days.
