Quotes on the editor of this blog

Friday 2 July 2010

Flint occurs naturally in Australia.

English flint has always been known to be the best. I have bought American gun flints and found them to be inferior. But I have no idea of the quality of Australian flint, in fact until today I had no idea that there was Australian flint.

Flint, cryptocrystalline chalcedonic silica (SiO2), is used as a component in ceramic blends to make bone china, earthenware, and ceramic tiles. Because of its toughness, flint is also used as a grinding medium in ball mills in the mining, ceramics and chemical industries, but is subject to increasing competition from synthetic grinding media.

Flint occurs in the Gambier Limestone as nodular masses at shallow depth. Erosion of the limestone by the sea along the coast from Port MacDonnell to Cape Banks has concentrated extensive flint deposits along the beaches. A small industry supplying limited Australian demand operated between the 1880s and 1985. Annual production averaged 170 t of bagged, hand-selected pebbles.



  1. Australian flint production stopped 25 years ago after a hundred years or so. If today there is still a demand for flint (not as much as a hundred years ago admittedly) I wonder why someone today isn't producing and exporting Australian flint? Dave

  2. Well perhaps they are Dave. Personally I am against the mining of anything commercially. I think we have done enough damage as it is.

  3. Hello Dave,

    Why do you not go and market Australian flint. Why do so many overlook a potential opportunity ?

    Hello Le Loup,

    May I ask how you have avoided living in a house with no mined products, travelled anywhere without involving mined products, anyway etc etc.

    I too am against many mining practises but it is impossible to exist now without using them.

    Peter O

  4. I agree Peter, but I think a line should be drawn when it comes to damaging the environment. Water is precious in Australia, & some mining practices are polluting that water.
