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Saturday 26 June 2010

Tinder Fungi.

I have always said that the name of something is not important, what is important is that you recognise something when you see it. I have been researching plant tinders for a long time now, and the more research I do on tinder fungi, the more confused I get. So here are some images of fungi that can be used as tinder, whether they are the same fungus or not I can no longer tell, but so long as they all work I don't see that learnoing the Latin names is going to help. Ryvardenia Cretaceus or Piptoporus Cretacious or Laetiporus Portentosus or whatever! 

The same fungus after the beetles have eaten into it. The dust produced by these beetles will catch a spark without the need for charring.

If there is anyone that can tell one from the other, please feel free to enlighten me!

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