Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday 29 May 2010

The 16 year old George Washington as a surveyor.

“Fryday 8th we breakfasted at Casseys and Rode down to Vanmetris’s to get all our company together which when we had accomplished we Rode down below ye. Trough in order to Lay of Lots there we laid of one this day The Trough is a couple of Ledges of Mountain Impassable running side and side together for above 7 or 8 Miles and ye River down between them you must Ride Round ye back of ye. Mountain for to get below them we Camped this Night in ye Woods near a Wild Meadow where was a Large Stack of Hay after we had Pitched our Tent and made a very Large Fire we pull’d out our Knapsack in order to Recruit ourselves every one was his own Cook our spits was Forked Sticks our Plates was a Large Chip as for Dishes we had none”

“Saturday 26 Travelld up ye Creek to Solomon Hedges Esqr one of his Majestys Justices of ye. Peace for ye county of Frederick where we camped when we came to Supper there was neither a Cloth upon ye Table nor a knife to eat with but as good luck would have it we had knives of our own.”

George Washington 1748. (age of 16).

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